John Hurt

Nome Completo: John Vincent Hurt
Nascimento: 22/01/1940
Local de nascimento: Chesterfield - Derbyshire - Inglaterra
Dia da morte: 25/01/2017
Ocupação: Ator
Nacionalidade: Inglês


‘- The Pity of War: The Loves and Lives of the War Poets (TV, 2016)

Jackie (2016)

The Journey (2016)

ChickLit (2016)

Thomas & Friends: Sodor’s Legend of the Lost Treasure (2015)

A.K.A Nadia (2015)

Hércules (Hercules, 2014)

Expresso do Amanhã (Snowpiercer, 2013)

Swan Lake 3D: Live from the Mariinsky Theatre (2013)

Amantes Eternos (Only Lovers Left Alive, 2013)

Conquistas Perigosas (The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman, Voz, 2013)

Turistas (Sightseers, 2012)

In Love with Alma Cogan (2012)

O Carro de Jayne Masfield (Jayne Mansfield’s Car, 2012)

The Confession (2011)

The Gruffalo’s Child (TV, 2011)

Imortais (Immortals, 2011)

O Espião Que Sabia Demais (Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, 2011)

Harry Potter e as Relíquias da Morte: Parte 2 (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, 2011)

Melancolia (Melancholia, 2011)

Regret Not Speaking (2011)

Whistle and I’ll Come to You (TV, 2010)

Ultramarines: A Warhammer 40,000 Movie (2010)

Harry Potter e as Relíquias da Morte: Parte 1 (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, 2010)

Pior dos Pecados (Brighton Rock, 2010)

As Aventuras de Sammy (Sammy’s avonturen: De geheime doorgang, 2010)

Lou (2010)

The Gruffalo (TV, 2009)

Código de Sangue (44 Inch Chest, 2009)

Os Limites do Controle (The Limits of Control, 2009)

An Englishman in New York (2009)

Nova York, Eu Te Amo (New York, I Love You, 2008)

Lezione 21 (2008)

Outlander: Guerreiro vs Predador (Outlander, 2008)

Hellboy II: O Exército Dourado (Hellboy II: The Golden Army, 2008)

Recontagem (Recount, TV, 2008)

Indiana Jones e o Reino da Caveira de Cristal (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, 2008)

Enigmas de um Crime (The Oxford Murders, 2008)

Hellboy Animated: O Espírito de Fantasma (Hellboy Animated: Blood and Iron, TV, 2007)

Boxes (2007)

Perfume: A História de um Assassino (Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, Voz, 2006)

V de Vingança (V for Vendetta, 2005)

A Proposta (The Proposition, 2005)

Tiros em Ruanda (Shooting Dogs, 2005)

A Chave Mestra (The Skeleton Key, 2005)

Manderlay (2005)

Valiant: Um Herói Que Vale a Pena (Valiant, Voz, 2005)

Short Order (2005)

Suki: A Rainha da Selva (Pride, TV, Voz, 2004)

Hellboy (2004)

Dogville (Voz, 2003)

Incrível Obsessão (Owning Mahowny, 2003)

Bait (TV, 2002)

Crime and Punishment (2002)

Miranda (2002)

Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, 2001)

O Capitão Corelli (Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, 2001)

Tabloid (2001)

Dominação (Lost Souls, 2000)

Krapp’s Last Tape (TV, 2000)

New Blood (2000)

Tigrão: O Filme (The Tigger Movie, 2000)

You’re Dead… (1999)

Rota de Fuga (If… Dog… Rabbit, 1999)

Le château des singes (1999)

All the Little Animals (1998)

Night Train (1998)

The Commissioner (1998)

Tender Loving Care (1997)

Bandyta (1997)

The Climb (1997)

Contato (Contact, 1997)

Amor e Morte (Love and Death on Long Island, 1997)

Wild Bill: Uma Lenda No Oeste (Wild Bill, 1995)

Homem Morto (Dead Man, 1995)

Rob Roy: A Saga de uma Paixão (Rob Roy, 1995)

Uma Nova Chance (Second Best, 1994)

Grandes Momentos (Great Moments in Aviation, 1994)

A Polegarzinha (Thumbelina, Voz, 1994)

Rabbit Ears: Aladdin and the Magic Lamp (TV, 1994)

Até as Vaqueiras Ficam Tristes (Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, 1993)

1993 Monolith: A Energia Destruidora (Monolith, 1993)

Kölcsönkapott idö (1993)

L’oeil qui ment (1992)

Lapse of Memory (1991)

Rei Por Acaso (King Ralph, 1991)

Frankenstein: O Monstro das Trevas (Roger Corman’s Frankenstein Unbound, 1990)

Terra da Discórdia (The Field, 1990)

Romeo.Juliet (Voz, 1990)

The Investigation: Inside a Terrorist Bombing (TV, 1990)

Windprints (1989)

Aparentemente Inocente (Little Sweetheart, 1989)

Escândalo: A História que Seduziu o Mundo (Scandal, 1989)

Com as Horas Contadas (Deadline, TV, 1988)

As Noites de Bengali (La nuit Bengali, 1988)

A Dinner of Herbs (TV, 1988)

David Macaulay: Pyramid (TV, 1988)

The Hunting of the Snark (1987)

Vincent (1987)

S.O.S.: Tem um Louco Solto no Espaço (Spaceballs, 1987)

Ária (Aria, 1987)

Este Advogado É Uma Parada (From the Hip, 1987)

Incontrolável Paixão (White Mischief, 1987)

Rocinante (1986)

Jake Speed (1986)

O Caldeirão Mágico (The Black Cauldron, 1985)

After Darkness (1985)

1984 (1984)

O Traidor (The Hit, 1984)

O Sucesso É a Melhor Vingança (Success Is the Best Revenge, 1984)

Enquanto Existir Esperança (Champions, 1984)

O Casal Osterman (The Osterman Weekend, 1983)

Rei Lear (King Lear, TV, 1983)

Os Cães Plagueados (The Plague Dogs, 1982)

Paul McCartney: Take It Away (TV, 1982)

Dois Tiras Meio Suspeitos (Partners, 1982)

Dramática Travessia (Night Crossing, 1982)

A História do Mundo: Parte I (History of the World: Part I, 1981)

O Portal do Paraíso (Heaven’s Gate, 1980)

O Homem Elefante (The Elephant Man, 1980)

Alien: O Oitavo Passageiro (Alien, 1979)

O Senhor dos Anéis (The Lord of the Rings, Voz, 1978)

Uma Grande Aventura (Watership Down, Voz, 1978)

Estranho Poder de Matar (The Shout, 1978)

O Expresso da Meia-Noite (Midnight Express, 1978)

The Island (TV, 1978)

East of Elephant Rock (1978)

Paperback (1977)

Three Dangerous Ladies (1977)

O Desaparecimento (The Disappearance, 1977)

Espectro (Spectre, TV, 1977)

La linea del filme (1976)

O Carniçal (The Ghoul, 1975)

Vida Nua (The Naked Civil Servant, TV, 1975)

Little Malcolm and His Struggle Against the Eunuchs (1974)

The Playboy of the Western World (TV, 1974)

A Lenda da Flauta Mágica (The Pied Piper, 1972)

Mr. Forbush and the Penguins (1971)

O Estrangulador de Rillington Place (10 Rillington Place, 1971)

À Procura do Meu Homem (In Search of Gregory, 1969)

Antes do Inverno Chegar (Before Winter Comes, 1969)

O Irresistível Bandoleiro (Sinful Davey, 1969)

O Marinheiro de Gibraltar (The Sailor from Gibraltar, 1967)

O Homem Que Não Vendeu Sua Alma (A Man for All Seasons, 1966)

This Is My Street (1964)

The Contact (1963)

Um Grito de Revolta (The Wild and the Willing, 1962)